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#1501872 07/01/08 09:52 PM
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pat44 Offline OP
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Hi Everyone:

Acknowledge receipt of your message loud and clear sgxtok. I do appreciate your honesty. That is one of the positives of living during this period in history.

Let's see if I can post in a more palatable manner.


Goodness - this tough...

I became invisible to get work. Let's see if I can hide my ethnicity as well as I hid my gender to get work...

Changing my username to Nancy. Nice mainstream name... Will need adminstrator approval for that one.

I had my eyebrows done for the first time i my life at the seminar in May. There are itty bitty hairs growing back - it really stings when I pull them. Wondering - how often does one have to get these things waxed? Would appreciate any advice on the manner.

Weight - that is a good mainstream topic.... I am fitting comfortably into my "fat clothes" now. I have reached my goal of not being sore when I work out. I am no longer a walking mass of pain after a workout.

My lower body is fine - but the upper body and belly fat needs work. I am going to start going adding a once a week pilates class.

Adoption - won't talk about that one - would be too ethnic...

Work - won't talk about that one - a large part of my success has to do with my heritage...

Sex... haven't had any in years - can't talk about that one...

Dating... ethnic issues involved - best to avoid talking about that one...

The X... Rarely think about him...

Religion...not Christian so definately not appropriate for the the BB...

Alcohol...don't drink enough to be interesting...

Guns...don't own any...

Poles...too old - my body isn't that flexible anymore...

Life is good b/c there was a time where this type of reaction would have upset me. Now I have learned to accept it. Life is what it is... You learn to adapt and accommodate.

take care,

Last edited by AG II; 07/01/08 10:02 PM.
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Hi Everyone:

Almost forgot. The heart of DB'ing goal setting.

New Goal: To see if by the end of July, anyone that reads my posts will have no idea what my heritage is.

take care,

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AG...there are already a few Nancy's I'll need you to expand on it a bit.

Please hit notify.

I'll be back later.

(what message did you hear loud and clear)

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Quit posting and get back to work! Now!!!


"Chains do not hold a marriage together. It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years. That is what makes a marriage last --more than passion or even sex!" - Simone Signoret
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Well - sgctxok - surprise me. Pick any name that hides my ethnicity and promotes a nice mainstream image.

(what message did you hear loud and clear)

sgctxok: Now... you know that answering that question would just lead to my post being censored and be contrary to my goal of blending in to be palatable.

And I am in agreement - we really should not discuss this offline b/c it is contrary to BB policy.

take care,
Waiting To Be Named

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Well - I am not sure what my palatable profession is yet...

I need help being "normal."

Any advice is greatly appreciated. I mean - maybe that has been my problem with the D and everything else in my life - not being "normal." Maybe I need to think about changing to a more "normal" line of work that is consistent with the expectations of my gender.

I guess I will sign off as Nancy - till I am renamed.

take care,

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Hi Everyone:

My profession...

I bill by the hour. I do provide some services for a flat fee. I am flexible about what I am willing to do - there are somethings I simply will not do.

I work all night sometimes. I recently could barely walk due to back pain and hip pain b/c I had too many clients.

I have a black book (well it is a far side calendar with some black on the cover) where I maintain a list of my clients.

All my clients want what I do for them to remain confidential. Confidentiality is the cornerstone of my profession.

It takes while to learn all the "tricks" of my trade. All my clients are men.

I left an employer use get the clients and send me to them to perform services. They took a 66% cut - but took good care of me. I left them an went out on my own a couple of years ago - now I get to keep 100% of what I make. But it is a shark tank and I miss the protection at times...

There.... that is an honest decription of what I do...

Life is a kaleidescope. Facts are facts - it is all in the presentation... The facts also describe the oldest typically female dominated profession in the world...

On the name... Bobby Jindal used Bobby from the Brady blend in... M. Night Shyamalan - he made up the name Night in college so he could blend in...

I know that when I used The X's very German last name - I too blended in better. My own last name is not "normal" - not palatable...

Maybe Marsha Day could be my new name. I mean who wants to be Jan anyway.

By the time I am done re-inventing my image - I may very well be ready to run for public office.

take care,

Last edited by AG II; 07/01/08 11:36 PM.
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I could continue my inane posting.

The truth of the matter is that I am not white - not Christian - not in a typical female profession - and there is very little that is "normal" or mainstream about me.

The seminar I attended last weekend had an entire panel on whether becoming "palatable" - accommodating mainstream comfort levels was a part of integrating b/c our race and/or issues generate so much discomfort - especially post 9/11.

I posted honestly about my issues - and have done so for 5 years. Clearly, in your assessment, in your capacity as a DB moderator and a representative of the entire DB enterprise, my thoughts rise to the level of censorship. You are not alone in your view - Beth, qoe, Karen, sadeyez and many of their friends stand firmly in support of your decision.

I am off to go hang with like minded people. I will be 43 on Thursday - it has taken me this long to learn that there is no point in arguing. The choice is to stay and accept or leave.

I choose to leave.


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Umm excuse me NANCY
are you talkin about me?? what are you talking about may I ask since you decided to use my name , I have a right to know. What is it you are accusing me of?

Are you "assuming" I have reported you? May come as a surprise to you, I have never ever posted to you, talked to, seen you, met you, emailed you, mentioned you, I have much much more important issues in my life then you, or your rantings. Things like my son, family, my health,looking for work.
Sooo You got yourself some wrong info there girly

Be Happy for this Moment,
This Moment is your Life

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I don't know why you've decided that we are the bane of your existance......

I, also, have never turned you in for anything. Matter of fact, I used to post to you frequently when I first came on the board. I thought you were smart, interesting and funny. And, I don't care what nationality, religion, color, political position, job title or anything else that you or anyone else has so stop mentioning me in your (once again) final post......I certainly "never" mention you in any way in my threads.

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