Hey GD

Just caught up on your sitch. Sorry I have been to busy with my own stuff to post here much. Anyway I guess I am glad you are finally seeing this situation in a different light. I think I had posted on either your last post or the post before that I thougth you were being to generous with W in the settlement and that I thought she was being underhanded about the whole thing. I didn't want to see your inheritance money financing a life or her and BF or other BF's down the road. Kudos for you for being able to recognize that you generosity was built on guilt not actual legal obligation. Seems like you are on the right track, keeping the money in your family and for yourself and your kids to have a good life. There may come a time down the road where you will want to help W but at least there won't be any obligation to do so. Like paying her student loans. She should be singing your praises daily for that one. Very proud to see that you are sticking up for yourself and protecting your children's future.

Sorry that the W is treating you poorly and angry about this. But this is reality. She needs to grow up, see what its like to have to care for herself financially and then do some serious work on herself if she ever wants to be worthy of you.

I am not advocating never giving her another chance but certainly making sure that sufficient time has been made for her to find out who she is and what she stands for. Who knows, maybe by then you will have found someone else and moved on yourself.

Keep living your life the way you have and good things will come your way.

Me: 30
EX-H: 37
DD: 5
Separated 6/07. MC for months, EX-H quit MC.
Divorce Final 8/14/08.
Trying to move on with new life.