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Hey LG,

Thanks for the practical advice on quotes.
I wish you all the best in getting back in touch with your bright inner spirit and the dreams and joys that you have the ability to manifest.
That part sounded really nice, so I thought I'd try out my newly learned skill. ;\)

Congratulations on your job success. That "good" job I did have (that ended unfortunately) started as a temp job also. Maybe I should go back there...hmmm

Thank you for your advice. I do need to remember how to focus on goals and nix those negative thoughts.

Keep in mind, the book does not tell you why the WAS is unhappy or why they ultimately did what they did, but it shows their thought process which really starts out unintentionally and how it progresses and how they justify what they are doing. It does show the WAS in a positive light, not sickeningly so, but that they never meant for it to happen and in some ways they are trying to care for you and not hurt you when they dump you. Yeah, I know...but you'll see when you read it. I have found Amazon to be a great source of cheap used books as well. In fact, I think that's where I got mine also.

Take care and thanks for responding. I forgot how nice it is to come hear and people you don't even "know" answer you and are so helpful.


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LG (could also mean Life's Good, right? ),

I'm sorry to hear about your mother as well and will keep her and you in my prayers also. How is she doing now after the surgery?


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I am sorry for everything you are going through at the moment especially for your father. I will keep him in my prayers. Remember in the beginning one piece of advice was just to keep moving forward. That is all you can do just take one step at a time one minute at a time.

I too am in a bit of a rut. I am glad that I am back in school but sometimes I feel like I am hanging on by a thread and money is really tight. Meanwhile well h bought a new truck. I can't afford a vehicle right at the moment. Anyway I just try to keep the focus ahead of me.

Just always look forward GG. You will come through this also.

Maybe go to a C will help as someone suggested. You just need to get your focus back.

I am glad you posted.

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Miss you around. Things will improve.

Experience is a brutal teacher, but you learn. My God, do you learn. - C.S. Lewis

Life is usually all about how you handle Plan B. - Jack3Beans

Listen without defending; Speak without offending - FaithinAK


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Hi Mermaid,

It's great to hear from you! Thank you for your prayers. I appreciate that.

I'm sorry you are in a bit of a rut also.

Maybe go to a C will help as someone suggested
Does the "C" mean counselor? If so, I must have missed that suggestion. Regardless, with no job/insurance that's not something I could afford.

Thanks for the encouraging words. I will brush up on reading and jot down some goals or ideas to keep in mind.

Hugs, GG

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Originally Posted By: GenuineG
LG (could also mean Life's Good, right? )

Yes, thanks - I had not thought of that - even though I have a hoodie sweatshirt with the "Life is Good" slogan on the front.

I'm sorry to hear about your mother as well and will keep her and you in my prayers also. How is she doing now after the surgery?

Thank you for your prayers. She is doing a better today, but yesterday, she was having cardiac arrhythmia with her heart racing 120-130 beats/minute for several hours until they used a defibrillator, which "re-set" her heart back to a normal pace.

She has a positive attitude, so hopefully she turned the corner and will be improving a little more each day.

Thanks again,


Me 46
WAW 45
M 21 yrs

WAW: "I need to be alone" 12/06
W moves out 3/07
Mediation finalized 08/08

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Originally Posted By: GenuineG
Keep in mind, the book does not tell you why the WAS is unhappy or why they ultimately did what they did, but it shows their thought process which really starts out unintentionally and how it progresses and how they justify what they are doing.

Yes, I realize I won't find the answer to WHY in the book, but I want to try to understand the thought process of the WAS better, to make peace with it. Thanks again for mentioning this book.

W and I have perhaps our final mediation meeting this coming Monday night. I am going to be applying for a mortgage tomorrow so I can buy out my W's share of the property. It is still so hard to accept the dissolution of our marriage, and hard to believe it is actually going to happen.

Be well,


Me 46
WAW 45
M 21 yrs

WAW: "I need to be alone" 12/06
W moves out 3/07
Mediation finalized 08/08

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Hi LG,

I'm glad your mom has a positive attitude. I think that is so important for her...or my dad...or for any of us. Duh! So here I am whining and being negative.

It is hard to believe that our M's do dissolve so readily. Sometimes I still think..."I can't believe this is my wasn't supposed to be this way" but you do go on. I think you are in a good and peaceful place, LG. That will help you. AND even though it looks to be almost over, I don't think anything is hopeless. Sometimes a D prompts the leaver to evaluate things once they are "free" and they find it isn't what they wanted. Never say never. Like you said you are in a win-win situation.

Peace, GG

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Hi LR - Of course I remember you. Just know that I am praying for you. You are a wonderful and loyal person from what I can see. Pray for your husband that he won't get the eternal punishment he deserves. Not easy to do, but something we must.

If you remember, I am strongly in favor of standing for marriage and truly believe God wants us to be happy in this life. In so many ways the two don't seem compatible. But God's ways aren't ours and we have to trust in his will. Also remember that his timing is totally different from ours.

Your life may go through a fallow period, but you are young yet. Find out what you can do for others and your life will be fulfilled.

I hope that your father doesn't suffer too much. I remember that he had cancer. How hard it is to watch loved ones go through that.

God bless and stay joyful,


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Wow Libnor, long time no hear!!!!
How are you doing? I have thought about you so many times.
Did your H ever come home or is he still living with the girlfriend?
How are the family please post an update.

Hi GG, sorry you are down, believe me we all get like that even after many years. I find it's usually just before I have another growth spurt in my quest to be living the life I am meant to be living.

Hope things improve soon. Think it was Jack that mentioned the fake it til you make it thing. That was one of the best bits of advice I latched on, still use it at times.
Take care.

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