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This is a point of much aching on the LBS' side. And this is where I have come to.

AND FIRST AND FOREMOST GOOD GOOD GOOD -- you read that Word. LET GOD seep into your soul and be the GREAT COMFORTOR that He promises to be.

When you read the Word try really really hard to read it all...teh scripture above and below. Always- get the is very very important.

You referenced Matthew 21:22 and John 14:14

Matthew is talking about Faith..YOUR faith. GOD CAN AND WILL MOVE MOUNTAINS FOR YOU! Isn't that just awesome!! HE will!! AND HE DOES!! But He will NOT mess with someone elses FREE WILL. Taht is the kicker in all of this. AND I BELIEVE the hardest part for all of us.. Will he do His work in them..sure..but see THEY HAVE TO CHOOSE Him. AND THAT is on THEM. GOD WILL ENABLE also says in the Word that teh HOLY SPIRIT has to begin the work within them...but if they choose to ignore it...GOD won't push. He wants us by OUR will. NOT BY HIS...

The same with John 14:14 it is scripture pointed at that individual. YES we are praying that our WAS will get a clue...and that GOD will work on thier hearts...and He IS it just may not "LOOK LIKE" we expect it to.

Remember teh Word also says to "Lean not to our OWN understanding.." We get our HOPE set on teh WAS coming home instead leaving OUR HOPE in GOD and GOD ALONE.

I know that God loves YOU and wants the best for you. Right now - teh way your WAS is that teh BEST for YOU right now? ask yourself that... it is a VERY VERY hard question to answer because sometimes WE don't like the answer. (For now). WHO KNOWS what plans that God has for you..

Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I knwo the plans I have for you declares teh Lord...plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future...." go read that there is MORE!

See if I look with my own eyes (leaning on my own understanding) I get pretty bumbed... I have prayed the same prayers that you have..yet my xh said nope (so far). BUT then there are all these other awesome promises.... YES BELIEVE. BELEIVE taht GOD CAN do a WORK in your WAS. AND KNOW that He is in UTTER control of YOUR LIFE---

(Sorry didn't mean to chime in ...but well this one is all over my own heart!!) =)

M-20 years/BOMB 12/24/06
Moved out 3/12/07
D final 7/30/2008
finding myself again

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BND, thanks for the "What's the trick" response.
That's a pretty good trick!

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First of all thank you for your response....but as a follower of Christ...we should never want harm to come to the O/P....we should be asking for their salvation...because as much as I hate thinking about this..God loves them too..and he wants no one to perish....

I hope we dont get in trouble in here for discussing this on this thread....but I know I feel moved to do so..
And yes... we are not to lean unto our own understanding...because that will definetly get us... in our minds into trouble...

John 21 vs 22 I read the scripture before and after and I just dont see what you see....I know he gives us free will...but I also know that he is an all mighty and powerful God...that NOTHING is impossible for him....

This why sometimes christians... per say.. will get so confused in what they read...what they hear...what they see that they would just rather back off and go on and try to figure everything out by themselves....

But I appreciate all this from you guys... and I know God has a plan for us and I believe his will will be done....I will pray for more guidance and ask in prayer for more clarity on this..

One more question... I read Charlene Cares Devotionals daily...
Is she misinterpreting the word of God????She seems so adamant in her beliefs and what she reads....there is scripture after scripture there where restoration does and will happen if we just believe and let God take control over it.... what about the transforming of our H hearts??? she does say that our H do have or will have an ear to listen to the holy spirit....and be obedient to when it speaks to them.

But she says never to give up that God does answer our prayers and the desires of our heart...just a thought....maybe MWG can also direct me in this ... she reads those devotionals daily also... and who k nows maybe you guys do to....

Anyways I have totally let go and I do have a peace within me...just waiting on the mighty power of God to manifest in our marriage one day...

better get back to work hope to hear from some of you..
Be blessed in Jesus name
MWG believes and reads as do alot of you in here....

Greatgrand kid-1
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I wanted to jump in here because I see this come up a lot as a topic of confusion.

"Free will" is actually a Calvinist belief. Sure God lets us make decisions but God has many many persuasive ways to make sure that the decisions we make line up with His Will as He guides us back to Him.

God is soveriegn which mean NOTHING is impossible for him at all. That includes changing the path and heart of a man.

Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails. Proverbs 19:21

The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will. Proverbs 21:1

Another aspect of this is that when a husband and wife marry they form a covenant with God. Marriage is not between two, it is between three.

For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband, 1 Corinthians 7:14

It is IMPORTANT though that as we pray we are not praying to exert 'our' will upon our spouses and that we are praying from a pure heart and pure love. It is important that we focus our prayer on having God lead us and change us and for the salvation of our spouses to gain a relationship with God. We need to pray for God's Will to be done.

Often God speaks to people in a very profound way. Damascus road experiences happen all the time in people who have fallen away from God or maybe never even have known them.

(A Damascus road experience is when a person has an "awakening" and God speaks to them in a such a profound way that they immediately decide to make changes that line up with God's will for them. Saul's Damascus road ecperience is found in Acts 9.)

So naturally it comes back to our FAITH. Having a faith in God that all things are possible and having faith in God that His Will is the best choice for you and your family's life.

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I wanted to include that not all heart changes happen instantly.

Many heart changes take time, but they DO happen.

Last edited by HeartScared; 11/05/08 05:00 PM.
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Free will" is actually a Calvinist belief. Sure God lets us make decisions but God has many many persuasive ways to make sure that the decisions we make line up with His Will as He guides us back to Him.

'It is important that we focus our prayer on having God lead us and change us and for the salvation of our spouses to gain a relationship with God. We need to pray for God's Will to be done.

I truly believe that...but look at Hoosiermama / MWG....their husbands were christians who know the bible inside and out...but yet they abandoned their families....

Many heart changes take time, but they DO happen

glad you are joining in... I am so new at all this...MLC.....

So I still stand on the understanding on the scripture Matthew 21 vs 22

Greatgrand kid-1
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My Husband was also a believer when MLC happened.

He used to teach and he also led the music worship for years at our church.

But he is also human, which means he has a sin nature.

For a long time during the crisis he made fun of me for taking the kids to church.

At other times he would tell me that I was not at all concerned about their Spirituality.

My Husband basically turned his back on God, and my prayers were daily.

I would pray that the Lord would soften his heart and remove the scales that blinded him.

And when I reached a point of having no more words to pray, I would read the POPW which really helped me to stay focused.

After many years, he did finally come home and is again worshiping and praying.

IRMAT, by the way, I only used the example of praying for something bad to happen to OW, as basically an axample. I would never think for a minute that that was what you are doing.

There can be no testimony without a test.
I am praying to go through this test and come out the other end with a new and better marriage then before.
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BND...... before I came to really know Christ....I did want bad things to happen to the O/W .... I had thougths of harmimg her...had dreams of me hitting her with a was pretty scarry to think I could actually be thinking such thoughts... but as I have grew with God, I ask God daily for her salvation...

My family thinks I have lost my marbles....doing that.... most people would want to hurt and get revenge....but all that would do bring embarressment to my testimony of God's love and the mighty power he has.

I often think about how it was over a year ago hopeless....depressed...suicidal I was.How I couldnt even get out of bed....but right away I got into God's word and I can honestly say to those who are just starting......IT DOES GET BETTER....

When you finally and truly let go and let God...... WOW what a difference that makes....

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And my H is still involved in his church, still planning to work on being an Episcopal priest. And still divorcing me and working on a committed relationship to his old girlfriend, the Wicca woman. That's just how crazy all of this is. He sees nothing inconsistent with any of these things, and has found a way to blame me for everything and believes we should never have gotten married. I suppose that's how he justifies his behavior.

M14 yrs
OW-old gf from 1986
H filed for D-9/10/08
D final 4/24/09
xH remarried (not OW) 2012
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Since he started all this has he ever been cival to you????has he never asked for forgiveness????Have you met the O/W face to face before????? how long ago did this happen??? I am at work and dont have much time to read the threads.. just wondering about all these questions.....hope you dont mind

Greatgrand kid-1
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