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Hey Rob -

I am also noticing that the ladies I am seeing take a while to open up or take it to the next level. I think they just want to play the field a bit more just as I do. There comes a new sense of caution once we are divorced.

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Yep, Carlos, I got it pretty good. A screaming liner that got just enough glove to deflect it above my right eye and leave a 1 3/4 inch gash! I'll be back out there, but playing a bit deeper, I guess.

I too love being there as it feels GREAT to exercise and compete on a small level again. There is something that will never die in us old athletes and I'm going to try and keep things going for as long as I can.

You posted a few things that really stood out to me...well besides the obvious of my over-analyzing of things. As usual, I thank you for it, my brother.

You said:
Rather than sitting back, perhaps you can think of it more as stepping in - or, I guess the usual phrase is: staying in the moment...I think I make the mistake of dwelling too much on whether or not I'm repeating a pattern - rather than just being in the moment and living it fully.

Staying in the moment is where my expectations will be limited and I can instead look to enjoy the little things and where I am. Excellent!

take care of you first, be comfortable with the possibility of any outcome with her - which can only be the case if you're fully at peace with being whole on your own - and then just allow things to happen as they must.

Think about the present. Make sure I'm ok w/just being me. Take care of my needs for personal growth. Let the rest just happen.

Again, beautifully written. We do think a like in many ways. I'm not sure if that is a compliment or not, buddy. smile

PS - forgot to mention the knees... well they were (and still are) pretty sore. In fact, I had some hamstring, quad and calf issues because of playing again and now I do what I should have been doing since I left high school - stretching them daily! They are loosening up again, but I'm not in the shape I once was. Oh, well. We're an expansion team and expect to take our lumps this time around. It is also good for me to see where I'm at and where I need to be physically. Regardless of the aches, pains, black eye and stitches, I'm having a blast playing again!

Last edited by RefuseToLose; 09/30/09 11:14 PM.

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First off, in response to your other post, I'm only as old as I feel and right now my knees feel like I'm 80 and I have the reflexes of a corpse, so I may need to stick to golf and look to have D6 put me in diapers. smile

I'm glad you are noticing the same type of thing about women opening up. I don't feel so isolated and the fact they are guarded b/c of bad experiences is more of a positive than a negative. Thanks for sharing that w/me.

Hey, do the Ducks have a 32+ point win in them this weekend? I sure hope so b/c I picked them to cover the spread in my pool.


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All I can say is it is not going to be a fun trip to Eugene for the Cougars this weekend.

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Regardless of the aches, pains, black eye and stitches, I'm having a blast playing again!

I couldn't help but read these words as a double entendre...

How are the classes going so far? How did you students respond to your stitches? I remember being a kid and always being amazed to find those small indicators that teachers are just as human as we some instances, it was a great thing to notice.

It never surprises me to find that we're thinking along the same lines - and I certainly take that as a compliment.

I'm already planning on rejoining a soccer team once my knee is working fully again...are you dealing with any naysayers, people like my father, who say that you just shouldn't play contact sports after 30? I hear it a lot...just kind of smile and feel all-the-more determined to play again...

Are the stitches affecting your vision much?



"We consent to live like sheep." W.H. Auden

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Kerry and Carlos:

Kerry, I can only hope the Ducks (as much as I hate them) will KILL the Cougs and cover the spread. I'm in a weekly pick 'em pool and am currently sitting one game out of 1st for the overall lead. I'd love to pull off a 5-0 week and pick up the weekly $400 prize. That would come in handy for sure.

Carlos, the kids are super curious as to what happened and I've told them what caused the injury and they've given me garbage about being "hit by a girl."

I'll tell you, if my D can grow up and hit the softball as hard as this girl did, I know I won't be paying for her college. This girl hit nothing but absolute SEEDS every time up and this one just happened to clock me in the melon. I'm thankful, honestly thankful, that I got even a little glove on it or it may have destroyed my face!

I also think it is a challenge to keep playing competitively as I age. Now, I'm not interested in being on the type of teams where they get super wrapped up in winning and let it consume them, but I do enjoy playing, competing, and going all out to win. However, at this stage in my life, once the game is over, if we didn't win, I'm completely fine. It no longer consumes me, but it does feel good to compete.

However, I did learn a valuable lesson this time around about the need to prepare my body appropriately now that I'm older. I was foolish enough to think that "its only softball" and thus, didn't properly get my body ready to play. Now, I'm paying the price. However, it is a lesson to learn and I know that I need to be conscious about my knees and legs and get them in some semblance of shape before the next season starts.

Getting back out and playing will help me w/my exercise goals as well. Currently the knees are healing and getting much better. The hamstrings and quads are loosening up, so I'll be hitting the treadmill again soon and working on getting my body back together and actually look to get into some of the best shape of my life.

I'm happy and glad I'm out and doing it again...even though I'm beat up. smile


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Originally Posted By: RefuseToLose

I haven't read the "do it anyway" poem. Can you send it to me? I'm interested in reading it.

The Paradoxical Commandments
by Dr. Kent M. Keith

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.

© Copyright Kent M. Keith 1968, renewed 2001

He has a book out about this... it's a good read.


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Thanks for sending that. I've printed it out and put it up on my wall.

Update on me...

I'm still alive and doing well, but my knees are killing me. I'm going to the doctor later today to have them checked out. I'm anxious to see what is going on as I'm loving being active again and I'm not about to stop.

They also killed updated the filter at work, so I can't access this site on my prep periods any more. Thus, I've been forced to actually "work" while at work and haven't been able to update your threads or my own.

So, I'm off today - Celebrating that real SOB Columbus for his mistake as well as for how he mistreated the natives...go figure. Thus, I'll try and get caught up w/everyone later.


M:38; D: 6
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Sorry to hear about the knees. Hopefully it is just bursitis instead of a torn ligament or tendon. I had a painful knew when doing the leg lift exercises and my doctor said it was bursitis and to quite those leg exercises. I've had no problems since.

The Dawgs won again this weekend and have a good chance next weekend. It should be interesting in 2 weeks when the Ducks come a calling.

Columbus day is a holiday? Here in the NW, everyone always brings up tales of The Columbus Day Storm of 1962. I was a wee little lad of 2 at the time so I cant tell any tales.

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Had an MRI on my right knee on Friday, so we'll have to wait and see what the film turns out. I'm hoping for physical therapy b/c it would also allow me to continue strengthening my left knee that was repaired a few years ago. My benefits ran out before I got that one completely healthy, so going to PT a few times a week would be awesome!

Things are about the same w/GF. Last weekend we had a great time taking the kids to the zoo, but someone stole her jeep and it turned up stripped at the Mexican border. So, needless to say, that caused her some more stress.

I've been fluxuating w/my feelings and confidence in our R lately, but that only pushed me to delve deeper into the How to Improve your R w/o talking about it book. I'm so glad I'm reading it as it has allowed me to look at myself and why I do things as well as to have some understanding as to what GF does and why.

So, I can honestly say I've been able to get my "groove back" and my confidence is back up again where it should be and I'm not anxious about GF and I. Again, I'm falling in love w/this woman, but I'm ok if things don't work out w/us.

I'm comfortable and able to do things w/out her and I'm fine w/giving her space when she needs it. We had a great night out last night (watching my Dawgs lose at ASU) and I got to hang out, read, watch football, and work out this afternoon.

I guess I'm saying that I was falling back into old habits of self-doubt, but I'm glad I'm reading this book b/c it got me back on track.

I also did what I've been meaning to do for a while which is to put up my little notes on my mirror and around my desk to remind me to continue to believe in myself and be confident no matter what as well as to be self-disciplined so I can get myself back into the physical shape I'm proud of.

The book has also given me the opportunity to put up a note which reminds me to improve, appreciate, connect and protect my relationship w/GF so I can use it as a reminder when I start to over-analyze and only look at things from my perspective instead of from her's as well.

Exercising again has boosted my spirits and I need to continue to remember how this feels b/c I'm happiest when I exercise.

So far, due to my knees being so sore, I've only been riding the bike for 25:00 (as per dr's orders), but I'm pushing myself hard and breaking out in a good sweat, so its been productive. I managed to get in 4 days this week, and I'm happy w/that after several (i.e. too many) weeks away.

I'm hoping to get five or six next week.

So, that's it for me for now. Talk to you all later.


M:38; D: 6
Divorce Final: 10/6/08

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