I am ready. Funny thing is my stbx is an attorney also. It's PURE HELL going through D with them! I've heard that from others also. His screwing me over is like a part-time job for him now, maybe even full-time??? So wait until you feel ready to deal with all the stress! I have to admit that my X (I call him that now although not official until December) filed for D, and at the time, I wanted to work on the marriage and try MC, but truthfully we prob. didn't have a chance.

I wouldn't recommend marrying a lawyer to anyone. Not just because a lot of them have issues (alcoholism, for sure), but going through the divorce I think is 10 times harder....

I am 2 years older than you, and I'm not too old to start over and neither are you! I find as my D is approaching, I'm starting to notice other guys which I haven't done since college!!!

Me 53
D18, S24