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Originally Posted By: DaddyLongShanks

What do you do with a WAS who doesn't want anything to do with you? Do you still affair burst? Perhaps they are not seeing correctly due to being in their affair. Hell I don't know.

Thats a real depressing feeling, to know the one you where with wants nothing at all to do with you - and they are consistent in that message.

You accept it and move on with your life.
As much as that sucks to hear this and sucks even more to actually do this, that's what you do. Otherwise you exist in limbo pursuing your WAS for months and/or years.

You can't force someone to love you and be with you.

Let go of the person that doesn't value you or the relationship they have with you and spend some time healing yourself and then move on with your life and live a great life.

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I told my WAW 5 months ago that i was still her huband and she said no your not when the leave forsomeone else in their minds

THEY ARE DIVORCED..................

I think thats what gives them no fellings of guilt or remorce.

My humbble opinon TWOLF

Me 37
Waw 32
bomb 8/11/09
O/M 12/25/09
Divorce filed 8/25/09
divorce finale 6/16/10
Divorce putt on hold 6/16/10
Divorce postponed STBXW idea 8/8/10
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Exactly why Adultery should still be considered a crime . . .because it is. Morality is disintegrating rapidly today.

Life may be short, but . . . well . . . it actually IS short, now that I think about it . . . . particularly when compared to planetary formation and stuff.
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Originally Posted By: Bummedout
Exactly why Adultery should still be considered a crime . . .because it is. Morality is disintegrating rapidly today.

True - you won't get an argument from me on this, but what's the sentence?
Jail time?
And how much?

Can you send someone to jail because they fall out of love with you and and fall in love with someone else?

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You didn't hurt my feelings, don't worry. I said your tone was unnecessary because I can see the reality of the situation. My W has made it very clear to me.

You can't force someone to fall back in love with you, I can't argue with that. But, what it's confusing about your "all or nothing" approach, Robx, is that you're still posting in a board about DB. If we should just accept things and move on, why fight for any of our marriages then?

I never intended to control my W, sorry if I came across as I wanted that. I've been always open to accept the fact that she doesn't love me anymore but not when I know there's OM. All I ever wanted to do was to remove the fog and stating the facts so we both could make an informed and honest decision.

I understand now that whatever fog is left, it's inside her head and there's no way I can reach that. No letter, no chat, no email, will reach that.

It's clear to me that one day, maybe in a month, maybe in 5 years, when all the distractions have past and the party is over, there will be no way to hide. She'll wake up alone with her conscience and will finally be honest with herself about what she did.

God bless her. I hope He helps her find the way back to the kind and loving person she used to be. Not for me - I won't be there- but for herself.

Separated: March 1 * Affair discovered: 20-March * Exposed: 27 March * Def. separation: May 1st *

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It's true. Letting go and moving on is the ONLY way a WAS will ever re-consider their decision. Especially if they have their mind made up.

Remember the story of the castle and the picnic.

Finding a way to be happy a your own and building self respect is the ONLY way they will reconsider.

It's also true that they convince themselves they are "Emotionally Divorced" so they are really not cheating..

Blah Blah. That is why you drop the CONTROL and GUILT and let them hang themselves with all the drop they want.

Stay on the higher paths and drink more Dos Equis my friends ;-)


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One more question. It has to do with her family. Particularly mother and father. It's maybe a cultural thing but when I proposed to her and later married her, I promised both of them I would take care of her.

Was thinking of sending a brief note saying this:

Dear Mother in Law/ Father in law

When your daughter and I married, I promised to her in front of you and God that I'd be with her for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, she made decisions that prevent me from keeping that promise any longer. I can accept that I haven't been the perfect husband but I never disrespected your daughter and my marriage. And this is behavior that I simply cannot tolerate.

I'm sorry that things have to end like this. It was never my decision.

Thank you. for your love and support during all these years.


Last edited by FormelyknownasF; 05/11/10 02:01 PM.

Separated: March 1 * Affair discovered: 20-March * Exposed: 27 March * Def. separation: May 1st *

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This is my first draft for getting my stuff back.

Hi. I need to collect the rest of my things. I'm planning to do that next saturday AM. It will take less than 15 minutes. Please, let me know if this is ok with you.

We also need to agree on a date and time to close our joint bank account. This is less urgent, but I appreciate if we could find the time to do this within this month.

Thank you.

Last edited by FormelyknownasF; 05/11/10 02:33 PM.

Separated: March 1 * Affair discovered: 20-March * Exposed: 27 March * Def. separation: May 1st *

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Originally Posted By: FormelyknownasF

You can't force someone to fall back in love with you, I can't argue with that. But, what it's confusing about your "all or nothing" approach, Robx, is that you're still posting in a board about DB. If we should just accept things and move on, why fight for any of our marriages then?

It is confusing, no worries, that's very true.
Do you think the WAS will be attracted to someone who wouldn't move on with their life and would just stay and wait till they came back to them? Is that attractive? When you move on with your life, when you show them that you value your life just as much as you valued there life, it shows them you're a strong, confident person - those are attractive traits. When you stop holding on to them and let go and move on with your life and whatever that brings you including possibly dating new people, it shows the WAS that you are no longer a backup plan or option in their eyes, if you stay behind and wait for them to come back to you, they will always know that they can take their time coming back if they even want to come back, you give them the power of choice over your life, again not attractive. When you remove yourself as an option in their life, they don't have that choice anymore, you've taken back control of your life which is attractive because think about the qualities you're displaying with this action: confident, secure, ambitious, taking a leadership role in your life again, etc. You're not the backup plan anymore for them, the WAS is then faced with the reality that you aren't there waiting anymore, you're moving on with your life, and if their new relationship isn't working out and they were considering coming back, this generates fear of loss on their part and makes them reconsider their current actions.

That's DB'ing.

What isn't DB'ing?

Hanging in there,
writing long letters & emails,
text message "terrorism" (where you text them non stop),
begging, pleading, grovelling for love,
giving them books and articles and telling them they should feel different and they should love you,
telling them that they took marriage vows and they have to stick it out even if the marriage is horrible in their point of view,
moving out of the master bedroom,
moving out of the home to "give them space",
being sad and acting depressed,
etc. etc. etc.

None of these things is attractive,
none of these things is going to bring your WAS back home.

Is the method that I'm describing fool proof, NO.
Is it 100% successful, NO.
You show me any divorce busting method that is 100% successful all the time, it doesn't exist.

Some relationships can't be fixed for whatever reason, the other person may be at a point in their life where they really want something new & different regardless of how shortsighted that point of view may be.

But they moved on with their life.
They had an affair and found someone new.
And how did you respond when they did these things?
You started working on yourself to show them that you could change, on top of that maybe you started working out and buying new clothes to make yourself look more attractive physically. You started getting a life to show them that you're an attractive individual with options in your life. You did all these things when they moved on and chose to end the relationship. You did all these things because they moved on. They discovered they had options and when a person has options they become more attractive to other people. When a WAS leaves their marriage and starts dating other people, maybe having an affair with someone new and starts a new relationship all the while knowing that they have you in the background should they decide to ever come back, they know they have options. That makes them attractive to you because you were busting your butt trying to get them back and then trying different techniques to get their attention, etc.

In my opinion, why not try doing some of the same things the WAS does, it certainly works on you and every other LBS on these forums so there seems to be a common effect being displayed here. The person who leaves makes the decision to leave on their own. When you originally started seeing each other and dating, you BOTH chose to do that, you would BOTH choose to go out to restaurants, movies, parks, do activities together, etc. When you considered getting married, you BOTH chose to do this and planned out how it would happen. When a person leaves a marriage to pursue other people, dating, have an affair, etc. THEY are making the CHOICE on their own, they aren't making that choice with you. They are taking all the power in the relationship and choosing to do what they want and the LBS is left behind powerless. How do you change that dynamic? How do you reclaim some of the power in the relationship? How do you make a WAS reconsider their actions?

FKAF, for what it's worth, in my own situation,
things only turned around when I took back control of my life and took back the power in the relationship. I tried everything else. I moved out of the master bedroom and then the home because she asked me to because she wanted "space", I wrote letters, emails, shared my feelings, showed my wife how vulnerable I was, I begged her to go to counseling, I was needy, insecure, wussy like, bought gifts and generally jumped through every f!@#$%* hoop there was to show my wife that I loved her and wanted her back. When the WAS has that much control in a relationship, they will never be attracted to the LBS and they will never be motivated to come back. Marriage vows are just words and when a WAS has that thought process in place and "runs the show", the only thing you can do is to shake up their reality. In the end this is what is working in my situation and I'm the one now that has the hard time wanting her back after this whole process, that's the danger of detachment, I reclaimed my life back, my eyes are open now, and I'm not sure I want someone like that back in my life who would have done all these things to me, my wife now wants me to go to counseling, she wants to move back home, she talks to me everyday: in person, by text, by email, she does favors for me, she is sorry and is starting to show remorse for her actions, she wants me to forget the past and wants us to move on to a "great new" relationship for us and our family, she tells me that "people make mistakes", she tells me that she "held her family and friends in higher priority than her husband and that she knows now that is wrong".

She didn't see any of these issues as problems when she originally dropped the "bomb". She was content to live on planet "fruitopia" while she was in control and living a great life. When I hit rock bottom, reached my personal threshold of tolerance and that switch inside me finally flicked on and said "she's never going to change and she's hurting me and she knows it and still doesn't care, why am I still jumping through all these hoops to get her back?", that's when I moved back home and experienced "batshitcrazy" (and it was an experience), I slept in my bed in the master bedroom and packed all her things and told her that I wanted her to move out, instead of taking the custody scheduled she so generously gave me, I got lawyers involved and got shared joint custody, I became more active in my own life, I made her responsible for her own life (the term around here is "she can wear her big girl panties"), she was basically living an easy life on my dime, what would prompt her to change that if she was allowed to cake eat for as long as she wanted and I was feeding her that cake?
A free ride compliments of me and I realized that and I didn't want that anymore so I decided things would change.

But that's just me, that's where I am right now.
Life is really good and it's good because I know now that I'm responsible for living a great life and for a long time during the unhappy portion of our marriage I was miserable and taken for granted and I never took care of myself.

Now I have options, now I won't settle and my wife knows that. Yes I'm a bit of a hard a$$ as well as being a smart a$$, I'm working towards that middle ground for me. I'm a great dad and I make sure my kids have a great life, they didn't ask for this situation and although a part of me wants to give them their family back I can't just be married for the kids, I got married for me first and I want a great relationship and my wife is in personal counseling right now for herself and she's making real changes in her life and I just want to be sure that before I re-enter married life again if that's what I choose to do, it's for the right reasons and that a relationship will be loving, caring, fun, enjoyable and maintainable because regardless of what anyone says, marriage is hard work and I don't care if that doesn't sexy, that's reality. Married people get lazy with each other and take each other for granted, you have to consciously treat each other better, you have to make time for dating which means getting a sitter for the kids, you have to put excitement in the mix, you have to travel, you have to do things together but also make sure you maintain a personal individual life as well.

How's that for a verbose long winded post ;-)

I hope it helped a little.

Last edited by robx; 05/11/10 02:58 PM. Reason: just because of typo's and poor grammar LOL!
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Originally Posted By: FormelyknownasF
One more question. It has to do with her family. Particularly mother and father. It's maybe a cultural thing but when I proposed to her and later married her, I promised both of them I would take care of her.

Was thinking of sending a brief note saying this:

Dear Mother in Law/ Father in law

When your daughter and I married, I promised to her in front of you and God that I'd be with her for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, she made decisions that prevent me from keeping that promise any longer. I can accept that I haven't been the perfect husband but I never disrespected your daughter and my marriage. And this is behavior that I simply cannot tolerate.

I'm sorry that things have to end like this. It was never my decision.

Thank you. for your love and support during all these years.


I really like this, Formerly. Classy; definitely falls into the whole "Right Thing to Do" category.


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