My wife just had to make sure I didn't have any false hopes about our nice day yesterday. While she conceded that we all had a good time, I need to understand that she cannot be expected to always be there or come with us.

She asked if I had any plans today and then said she needs to get away on her own today for some 'me time' and she needs to do that every weekend at some point: she can't be there always on call 24/7. I validated, and even touched her foot in an affectionate way, saying I understood and asked what she might do, go to the shops perhaps? Yes, there are a few things that we need, and she might visit a friend. At least she asked if I had plans and then told me rather than just take off which is something a I brought up a few weeks ago.

She also mentioned my plan to go and visit friends next weekend and is glad I'm going. I said I was as well, it's some 'me time' for me but also I felt bad that I won't be here: that my time here is valuable to me as I'm away for most of the week.

A couple of weeks ago, my sister in law said they were thinking of taking my mum on a weekend break, as she hasn't had a holiday this year, and we would be welcome to come as well. This was before they knew of our situation. My W thinks this would be nice for me and the kids, but she wants to be released from having to go. She feels it wouldn't feel right and be awkward I suppose.

Well that brought me back down to earth with a bump. Not that I'd got off the ground anyway.

M: 57 / EW: 52
T: 21, M: 8
S: 18, S: 15
Bomb: 1 Jun 14
EA Aug 2014 I think
PA Feb 2015 possibly sooner