Sounds like your son is okay w/your h's move to "the house". I think he'll be okay w/it as long as he can take his dog w/him. Right now, it's an adventure for both of them.

BTW, mlcers become very selfish and self-absorbed during the crisis. It's all about "me, me, me". They feel entitled and you got it...more "me, me, and me".

You have a very good handle on your situation and I hope things continue to be okay w/his move and once he's moved out, you can changed things around if you want.

BTW, I think I've just become your 100th poster. Have a great weekend and I hope you and your son feel better.

Sit quietly, the answers will reveal themselves when you least expect them to.
The past is gone, the present is a gift and you need to focus on today, allow the future to reveal itself when it is ready.