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Good Morning Mat

Originally Posted by Maturin
Acceptance is proving difficult. Many times I thought I had accepted what happened and moved forward only to be pulled back into anger, sadness, and frustration. Watching W continue to party like nothing happened is part of this: I want to get to a place where I no longer care what she is doing. I'm much closer now than I was 6 months ago, but still not "there" yet.

You are doing fine. And will get there.

Some guidance, perhaps.

Acceptance is emotional understanding. It’s not indifference, it’s not being unfeeling or not caring. It’s understanding your feelings, allowing your feelings, realizing your feelings, and therefore being able to feel and experience them without the debilitating sadness, depression, anger, and bargaining.

It’s similar to intellectual understanding. You know and understand thyself.

I do get how it seems like not caring. My goodness, for so long we feel such pain and heartbreak, ceaselessly. A big part of acceptance is cleaving that trigger, which then removes the cascade and reinforcement of feelings when we recall, remember, and care. It’s wonderful to no longer have such a runaway train, yet still care. Still feel.

Realizing our limits of our control, detaching, letting go, accountability, respecting our spouse’s right to choose, keeping one’s heart soft and squishy and not hardening it, and so on, all play important parts in achieving such emotional understanding and acceptance.

Like I said, you are doing fine.

Time is a gift. Be patience and allow it to work. Such is the mechanism of the emotional realm and journey.


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Thanks for this MrP. All of your comments roll up to one central problem: I stopped DB'ing during the last few weeks. Even though I have decided to pursue D, I still intend to continue 180s (for me), GAL (for me) and detach (for me). I stopped doing those things and fell back into old and unproductive ways of interacting with W. I was focused on what W did, how it affected our family, and that there should be some kind of evening of the scales. I wasn't consciously thinking this but it's obvious now that it was guiding my thinking.

For clarity, I am using a L. I first engaged with him in Spring/Summer 2023 when I could tell something was very amiss, and have since put him on retainer and completed all ppwk necessary to file. His finger is on the trigger waiting for me to say "pull". W and I are engaging with a mediator at her request so that this individual can weigh in on how to manage the asset split and have my W stay in the house. I know our finances and I understand that we cannot come up with an equitable split that keeps one party in the house without outside money (i.e. her dad). My goal in using the mediator is to get a neutral third party to say "you cannot keep W in the house without outside money coming in, and if outside money does come in the most fair way to do this is X". My base case remains that we sell the house and split the proceeds.

Originally Posted by MrP
I fight the urge to run up to my moral high ground and lecture my W about how she's contributed to how we got here.

I struggle with this too. It's caused me to wonder where I am in the stages of grief: if I can't sit down with W without slinging mud at her over her actions, it seems to me I have some anger still. I don't want to be angry.

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Hey M. I've been off the grid for a bit and am checking in to see how a few situations are going. Hope all is well. Best, P

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Hey MrP, thanks for checking in. I continue to move forward with my process and have filed D. As many here understand this is a tumultuous time and it's taken a lot of energy and focus to remain emotionally resilient for myself and my kids. Being sober has helped enormously as has prioritizing sleep, fitness, and a healthy diet.

I spend a lot of time with my kids especially on weekends and this weekend will be no different. Love it. They are still unaware of what is happening and it breaks my heart to think of what's ahead so I focus on the present.

Highs and lows. I've strayed at times from behaving in the way I want to but each time I find myself re-centering faster, like a rubber band whose elasticity increases with time. Perhaps this is the long-awaited detachment taking hold.

Summer is around the corner and I couldn't be more excited. A good friend just bought a small boat and we plan to spearfish up and down the coast all summer long. I want to teach the kids to surf this year too, something that I spent years doing and brought me a lot of happiness. Camping trips are booked.

So that's all for now. I still check the boards weekly and appreciate you asking after me. Thanks again to everyone who has weighed in and continues to check in.

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Hi everyone, checking in here to provide an update and say hello. My sitch continues to develop and I am doing well - hard to believe it's been 8 months since DDay. I feel like a different person now, and am content in a way I did not think would be possible back then. I continue to work on being centered and detached and have reacquainted myself with the self confidence I felt before my marriage deteriorated.

W and I still live together but I have filed D and am in process of negotiating what that looks like with her. I've been diligently watching the housing market in our area and am going to see a rental property today that is right around the corner - walking distance - from our current home and the kids' school. Securing this home would be a small win from the standpoint of helping all of us get used to life after divorce.

My kids still do not know but we plan to tell them within the next two weeks. Unfortunately the news has leaked out to our social circle and beyond, and has reached the level of idle gossip among people we don't know. As a result I am urging W to get to a point where we can tell the kids, but she is struggling. She continues to drink, party, and avoid.

I have remained highly involved with the kids and am loving every moment of it. Hearing them tell one another or their friends what fun adventures they've had, or how much they like a new board game we've played, or what they're looking forward to is so rewarding. My oldest S8 was given a year-end award at school for leadership and character and I about burst with pride at the ceremony.

I now understand how important it is to be patient with this process. Obviously I did not bust my divorce, because I decided that the boundaries that were crossed and the nature of my sitch was not reparable. (That was actually something that the DB forums and books helped me decide, ironically. I now believe infidelity does not have to be the end of a MR, but I also understand what the path to healing looks like and it is not a path my W ever demonstrated interest in walking.) But nonetheless I continue to DB in the sense that I take responsibility for my own self and path in life.

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Good to hear from you Maturin. Yeah one has to do what's best for their life, DBing is the goal but in the end you cannot sacrifice every part of yourself for someone who isn't willing to self reflect or enact change. To me the marriages that do stand a chance are the ones where the offending spouse is willing to put in some effort and had some genuine remorse. I think the minute they double down on being the victim or geed their resentment towards their spouse, they have lost track of the plot. I don't think anyone on this earth deserves to be a secondary option in their own sacred marriage contract. Unfortunately too much outside influence and societal pressure/peer pressure and self entitlement tends to become the guide for lost souls. Do your best with your children and they will value that more than anything. At the end of the day, you have to ask yourself the questions : did I do everything I could? , did I fight to my last breath for the marriage?, can I live with the person that I have become?, do I want to compromise my values for someone who's values are based on the moment?

Maybe one day she will show true remorse or regret, but forcing yourself and hoping and wishing for that to come is a fruitless endeavour

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Hello Mat

Glad to hear from you. You sound well centered and grounded.

I agree that you need to tell the kids. Sooner rather than later. I think it better they find out/discuss with you and Mom than hear it from the grape vine.

The big message, the biggest message during that talk with the kids - the problems between you and W has nothing to do with them. You love them and none of this is their fault.

Kids are very egocentric and can take on blame and fault when it’s truly unwarranted. They’ll have questions. Be open, honest, and age appropriate.

Take care, and best of luck on acquiring the rental.


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There he is! I'm genuinely glad you popped in with an update.

As Catman and DnJ suggest, you sound poised and confident in yourself, your actions, and about what you deserve. One might argue that is an equally appropriate outcome from divorce-busting: you're busting divorce's ability to drag you down, win, or derail your life beyond what reasonably must happen.

When my parents got divorce, I can't even recall them telling me or advising me it wasn't my fault. It just kind of happened. For a few years, I felt like I was the cause and realized that a then 12-year-old didn't have that kind of power. You likely know this and I'm only saying it to help reinforce it: your kids will need to regularly be reminded that none of this is their fault. Even as an adult, I have moments where I catch myself thinking " kind of is my fault because I wasn't a planned pregnancy". Thankfully as an adult, I quickly catch how ludicrous it is. I got great advice from my IC about talking with my D14 about the situation too and recommend leveraging one, though you may already be doing so.

Professional sports players often reference how the game "slows down" for them when they're performing at their peak. I think we experience glimpses and then a version of this when we settle down, GAL, use the time we've been given wisely (as DnJ thankfully reminds us), and otherwise consistently practice DBing and related principles. Thanks again for keeping us posted. I felt better seeing your update and continue to cheer you on from the cheap seats!

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Hi folks, I'm popping in to provide an update on my sitch and after that I'll send some hellos and comments to the posters who helped me so much during my most difficult moments.

My D is progressing, albeit much slower than I anticipated. And that is coming from someone who expected this to take a while. I had one of the most enjoyable summers of my life this year, spending a ton of time with my kids, friends, and family doing things we love. I haven't had a drop of alcohol for 7 months and am as fit as I hoped to be at 40. There are some exciting things happening in my career and my social life is very busy, both of which I attribute to the slow and steady GAL approach I learned here.

I am coming up on 1 year since Dday which is cause for reflection. That was a difficult time to say the least, and in the weeks and months that followed I experienced a lot of fear about the future. My entire life was anchored to my marriage, including how I saw myself as a person. If my W saw so little value in me that she was willing to cheat on me and lie about it for years, what did that say about who I was? In the 12 months since that event I have rebuilt myself and my life to the point that I hardly recognize the guy who had those thoughts - I say "hardly" because I do keep in touch with the behaviors that lead me down that road so that I don't repeat them in the future. I still have difficult moments, but they have been reduced from bad weeks to bad days. I'm close to reducing them further to only to bad hours. I see myself emotionally as a rubber band with ever-increasing elasticity: when things started a single comment from my W could send me into a tailspin and I'd feel bad for a few days. Now even the worst thing wouldn't impact me for more than a moment. This happened when I detached my self worth from her (or anyone's) opinions of me.

My STBXW has continued to live in a less than healthy way. She has a drinking problem and has refused therapy during the divorce process. She does not take care of herself. I have concerns for her ability to parent effectively but I also know that she is not mine to fix or control, so I let it go as long as my kids are safe.

I filed back in April and while we have custody and asset division largely decided, W is being difficult about support. She has both a BA and masters but she is determined not to go back to full time work and would like for me to pay her accordingly. Her family's wealth is going to cushion her post-D so I am being firm in what I'm willing to do/not do. It's perplexing but I do think it's part of the wayward wife mindset and am confident I'll come to a settlement that works for me and the kids.

Thank you to everyone who encouraged me during those very dark moments nearly a year ago, without your guidance I don't know where I would be. To those who may be going through a difficult period, know that if you put in the work and follow through with action your life will improve immensely.

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Good Morning Mat

Great update. I love the rubber band analogy. Yes, when one is rigid, their emotions/feelings will exert tremendous pressure. One who is more flexible can more easily allow such feelings to wash over them, then return to their center. Letting feelings flit.

I am sorry STBXW is being difficult. Her refusal to utilize her university education, to not work full time, does not equate to you having to fund her life choices. And her continued drinking is not helping matters.

Keep walking your path, your side of the street. You are right, as long as the kids remain safe, let her be.

Continue living and loving life. Investing time with kids, family, friends, and self. You are so correct - it absolutely pays off!

Have a great day my friend.


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