Oh my gosh it's been so long since I have been here.
I have missed all of you old timers, and my heart goes out
to all of the new people that are here now.

I joined this site nearly a year ago when my H first left.
I went through soooo many up's, and downs... wish I knew how to link/find all my old threads.
I really had a hard time for the majority of our sep, but something deep inside told me to not give up .

My H returned home for good the first of this year after a very long, very miserable 10 month sep.
I cannot say that it is all wonderful now.. it still will take a lot of work from the both of us to maintain a happy M, but I am constantly amazed at the amount of love my H has been showing me again after all the months I felt his love was gone for good.

I am back because I want to tell you guys out there that it can happen, it is not always hopeless no matter how much you may feel it is at the moment.

I am also back because I miss the constant support, and careing I had recieved from so many wonderful people here.
I still need it some days (most lol)
My personal time on the computer is quite a bit limited these days (not complaining ), but I really want to be around as much as I can for others, and myself.
I will be back to update more clearly, and if any of you have the time/ability please dig up some of my old very depressing threads, and link them .



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