
I do understand your confusion, but that is what his crisis is all about...confusion, depression, anxiety and fear of death. We, the lbs, need to step way, way back from their drama because if we don't, we will be down in the rabbit hole with them. Trying to understand what they are doing is something that we all have attempted to do, but in the end, only they know to some degree why they do what they do and say.

For example, a poster that use to post here had a young son who had a children's desk and chair in his room. The h, while in crisis, came there one day and took the chair. Keep in mind the man was entirely too big to even sit in the chair. Another one came back to the home and took all of the coffee mugs. No one could understand that. Another one took the steps from a shed one day. He finally woke up, came home and brought the steps back. He couldn't explain to his wife why he took the steps.

Some keep every text, email, letter, card and wrapping paper that we give them. They are reminders of home or as I like to think...the last thread to home. Some sit in the driveway and just stare at their home, others call the landline to see if it is still active. Some revisit places that we have been that were happy times for them. Others sit in a dark room and don't want to socialize with others. No two situations are alike. It all depends upon the person, their personality, childhood and what transpired during childhood.

So, you see...there is no rhyme or reason for what they do. We can sit here 24/7 and attempt to analyze everything they say and do and we will not get very far because we do not know why they do and say the things they do. Trust, me...they remember everything we have said and done during their crisis.

About the blocked postings. If the friends are friends from his past, he will eventually distance himself from them. That is part of the crisis...distancing from family, pets and friends. If they are the new and improved friends, then maybe he's starting to wake up a bit and starting to let them go. Some of them may have figured out that he's not the person he once was and have decided to distance themselves from him and his drama. Keep in mind, he thinks he's 20 again and his friends have left the 20 something lifestyle behind. They are grown and have different interests now.

As I pointed out...if these are old friends, then he may not be sharing with them like he use to. Whatever the case, time will tell what is going on.

The crisis isn't a one size fits all. Every crisis is different and what they say and do never ceases to amaze me when I read about them.

When you have time, read some of the other threads, you will see that you are not alone on this journey. There is a lot of good information in each and every thread. The more you read and post, not only on your thread, but to others, the more you will learn.

I know you get tired of us saying this...keep the focus on you!

Sit quietly, the answers will reveal themselves when you least expect them to.
The past is gone, the present is a gift and you need to focus on today, allow the future to reveal itself when it is ready.